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Surf's Up

Unfortunately, this week wasn’t very exciting. I went to my classes and all the usual stuff, but other than that, I didn’t do a whole lot.

This weekend, my roommate Emily and I had exciting plans. We were going to learn how to surf! Surfing has always looked like fun, but I’ve never been anywhere long enough to learn how.

But first, we had to check out another farmers market, as they are one of my favorite places to go. This one had more food vendors than the others. I ended up buying flowers, olive bread, and a delicious raspberry crepe!

In the afternoon, we got in a car with some guys from the CUBA club and went to Sumner Beach. It was really choppy out during high tide, so the instructors said it would be more difficult than usual to surf. Anyway, we got into wet suits, grabbed a board, and were taught a couple of things before hitting the waves.

The weirdest part about surfing was probably the wet suit. They didn’t really have a size for REALLY short people, so I had a bunch of extra fabric at the bottom that eventually filled with water and gave me cankles. The board was awkward to handle as well. I mean I’m like 5’ 3”, and it’s about 8 feet tall. Trying to manhandle something that large over incoming waves doesn’t workout too well. I constantly got pushed back twenty feet and would have to work my way off shore again.

Sadly, I never actually stood up. I got close, but I realized at the end that I was trying to go against what felt natural. Meaning I was standing up the wrong way. It just took me two hours to realize this! Better late than never I guess!

I’m super excited to keep practicing my skills, so eventually, I’ll be able to stand! At least, that’s the goal.

Spoiler: I’m officially planning an actual hiking trip for the coming weekend!


Good Bye

Good Morning

Until we meet again,

Kayla Ragaller

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